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Firemaking Half Day

Build resilience and discover the magic of fire

About this course

Unlock your inner strength and gain a sense of achievement with our 3 Hour Firemaking Course. We understand the importance of self-confidence in modern life - the more we develop our ability to overcome obstacles with grace and ease, the better we're able to handle stress and navigate life successfully. Our 3 Hour Firemaking Course is designed to develop your self-confidence by overcoming difficulty and succeeding through perseverance. Making fire with a bow drill takes patience and determination, a steady focus and effort which requires accepting failure again and again. There's nothing like the moment when your tinder bursts into flame. You experience a moment of magic that touches your memory and soul. What happens in a firemaking session? 1) Connect with nature by foraging for your firemaking materials. We first begin by heading out into the lush landscape of Bamff, foraging for some of the materials we’ll need to make our fire and enjoy a gorgeous cup of wild herbal tea. Depending on the season, we will harvest fresh pine needles, raspberry leaf, birch or beech leaves and many more for our tea. We’ll look for dead grass, thistles, rosebay willow herb and other plants for tinder. We will gather twigs and small kindling for a perfectly sized fire for our needs. 2) Learn to use a bow drill and spindle. Learning to use a bow drill is difficult, and it’s meant to be. A rite of passage requires challenge and humility, and this is an opportunity to stretch yourself and learn how nature can help you get where you need to go. You will learn how to create the tinder nest, the ember and finally the flame. Words can’t convey the magic of the experience, as it’s something you have to experience for yourself. 3) Have a cup of wild tea on the fire you just made. Feel the self-confidence and calm you’ve gained from the experience. Marvel at your achievement and know that you’ve entered a gateway to a different way of seeing yourself and your connection to the world.

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Contact Details

  • Bamff Ecotourism, Alyth, Blairgowrie, UK

Contact Us

Bamff House, Flat 2

Alyth, Perthshire PH11 8LF


07921 383503

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